What is Chakra Healing & What does Chakra Healing do?

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What is Chakra Healing & What does Chakra Healing do?

You may have come across the word Chakra Healing or Chakra Healing Meditation if energy healing was a topic that held your interest.


What are Chakras? How to Unblock Chakras? What is Chakra Healing?

You may have come across the word Chakra Healing or Chakra Healing Meditation if energy healing was a topic that held your interest. If you’ve ever learned yoga and meditation, chances are, you might have heard the mention of chakras at some point in the session.

Blocked and unblocked Chakras create different impacts in one’s life. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain an energy balance.

So, what is chakra healing & what does chakra healing do? It brings about a wonderful balance by unblocking Chakras which we’ll explore in this blog.

We’ll take an example of a workaholic named Janet. She strives to complete her deadlines throughout the year. One day, Janet finds her life completely out of balance.

She feels she is losing grip while being disconnected from herself and others. She is unable to open herself to others and finds it difficult to embrace her emotions. Janet thus immerses herself further in work only to find the gap between the self and her conscience increases largely.

What is Happening Here?

Janet faces an energy block. And, there are many of us like Janet who often feel stuck in a negative circle that spirals out of control in life. If you have not been feeling yourself lately, find yourself making terrible mistakes, are feeling extremely stressed, and unable to understand the reasons behind the stress or troubled circumstances, there are chances your Chakras are out of balance.

Our body is sensitive and so are the energy points. The food that we eat, the thoughts we hold, our exercise routine, and the current season all have a potential effect on the functioning of the human body.

It’s a simple thing such as feeling enraged all the time leads to excess heat In the body. Often, when we strive too hard, our Chakras are thrown off balance.

Now, imagine a world where we all have access to the knowledge of 7 Chakras healing meditation. With this blog, we aim to bring the focus back to energy healing and how it can work wonders for your emotional, mental, and physical health.

Origins of Chakras

Origins and mentions of the Chakra were found in the traditions of Hinduism. Beliefs around the Chakra however may vary differently depending upon different religions. In Hinduism, there is a mention of 7 chakras (energy points) whereas Buddhist scriptures mention 5 chakras.

Ancient scriptures written in Sanskrit mention the Chakras as a part of visualization through meditation. The texts also mention the inclusion of flowers and mantras while outlining Chakras as physical focal points in the body.

Kundalini Yoga, which refers to the dormant energy at the base of the spine, also mentions the activation of this energy through the process of Chakra cleansing. The activated energy travels upwards which itself is a spiritual journey for those experiencing it.

An important observation in this form of Yoga is the usage of breathing exercises, visualizations, kriyas, mantras, and more that are directed towards improving the trapped energy and increasing the natural flow within the body

In the western world, the modern chakra system is said to have originated from various sources. This was first visible in Sir John Woodroffe’s book titled ‘The Serpent Power’. It was also mentioned in Charles W. Leadbeater’s book titled ‘The Chakras’

7 Main Energy Centres or Chakras

Chakras are also known as energy centers. Originally a Sanskrit word, Chakra means “wheel” or can be referred to as a “disc”. You can imagine it like a spinning wheel that connects with our nerves and other organs of the body. These energy centers need to be open to create healing energy and retain a balance in life.

When the centers are blocked, it leads to negative thinking and energies that further impact one’s decisions.

The result that is created is undesired and can impact one’s personal and professional life.

7 Chakras healing meditation brings a balance to one’s mind while healing emotions and positively impacting behaviors.

The chakra system consists of seven major points that align starting from the base of the spine, up till the crown of the head.

The 7 healing chakras are as follows starting from the base of the spine :

  1. Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
  2. Svadhisthana Chakra - Sacral Chakra
  3. Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra
  5. Vishuddhi Chakra – Throat Chakra
  6. Ajneya Chakra - Third Eye Chakra
  7. Sahasraara Chakra - Crown Chakra

All 7 main energy centres or chakras include a high level of vibrational power. This power, along with the energy level, balance, speed, and the orientation of the chakra dictate one’s health and emotional state of mind.

It’s interesting to note that when anything affects you in the physical world, there is a shift in the energy level at these 7 points.

Therefore, each Chakra manages the health and emotions, thought processes and the results that are created in life.

How Do You Know If Your Chakras Are Blocked?

You may experience some or all of the following in the event of a blocked Chakra.
  • You feel stuck in life
  • You tend to feel insecure for no reasons
  • You feel helpless, hopeless and are unable to seek solutions
  • You are caught in a web of negative emotions, situations

You can unblock a Chakra with the support of a Licensed Chakra Healing professional. They are energy healers who are certified to work with you and provide you the healing to elevate your mental, spiritual, and physical health.

This includes 7 Chakras healing meditation mentioned earlier. But, before we understand the Chakra Cleansing process, let's take a look at each Chakra and tips to manage the energy.

Curious to know about your Chakras? Click here to access the Matrrix Chakra System Personality Profiler (CSPP)

Understanding The 7 Chakras - 

1. Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra or the Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine which represents qualities of stability and trust. There are positive aspects to this root chakra which include your strength of character or the relationship you have with earth.

A blockage in the chakra may lead to dominance of the negative qualities such a display of emotional weakness or selfishness

The Chakra is connected with the element of Earth. A balanced Chakra indicates improved health, security and prosperity.

Common signs of a Blocked Root Chakra

  • You feel stuck in life, often disinterested in what you are doing
  • You are rigid in your approach
  • You don’t feel good enough
  • You cannot connect deeply with self
  • Your life is chaotic, this unsettles you
  • You do not feel grounded.

How to bring a balance in Root Chakra

  • Stay connected with the earth to feel grounded. Taking a walk in the park, or in the sand rekindles the connection.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Colour for visualization: Red 

Chant the sound vibration “Lam (LUM)” for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize this process.

Yoga Asanas for Root Chakra

Yoga is a wonderful medium to bring in balance and stability. The root chakras which are at the base of your spine can be strengthened by practising the following Yoga postures.

  • Tree Pose
  • Mountain Pose
  • Warrior Pose

These yoga poses aim to strengthen the balance and improve your body’s connection with the foundation – the root of your spine.

2. Swadhisthana Chakra

The second Chakra is the Svadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra. This chakra is located in the lower abdomen area or the Sacrum area (below the navel) and indicates your level of emotional expression, creativity, sexual energy, sensitivity as well as your natural flow.

This chakra includes positive aspects such as feelings of happiness, or the ability to express yourself clearly. It also includes negative aspects which may be visible if there is a blockage in the chakra. In case of a blockage, a person experiences feelings of obsession or even jealousy.

A balance in this chakra indicates a strong emotional health and excellent creativity.

This Chakra is connected with the element of water.

Common signs of a Blocked Sacral Chakra

  • You face difficulty in emotional and sexual connections
  • You struggle with your identity, image of self
  • You don’t feel good enough
  • You tend to be carried away by emotions, almost overwhelmed
  • You experience loss of imagination
  • You are no longer in touch with your emotions
  • You experience mobility issues or pain and stiffness in your lower back as well as hips

How to bring a balance in Sacral Chakra

  • Participate in activities that include the use of water such as swimming, or a long soothing bath.
  • Learn a new form of dance
  • Begin with therapy or start journaling your thoughts Colour for visualization: Orange

Chant the sound vibration “Vam (Vum)” for a minimum 5 minutes. Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize the process.

Yoga Asanas for Sacral Chakra

This chakra requires Yoga asanas that strengthen the pelvic area (location of the Sacral Chakra)

  • Bridge Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Lizard Pose

These Yoga postures are useful to open the hip areas.

3. Manipura Chakra

The third Chakra is the Manipura or the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is located in the Upper abdomen area which is also your navel area. This chakra indicates your qualities of self-worth, will, courage, as well as energy.

The positive aspects include the display of qualities such as self-confidence, compassion, empathy as well as sensitivity. A blockage in this chakra may lead to self-criticism or a dominant attitude in life. A balance in the chakra creates self-respect and the right energy.

This Chakra is associated with the element of fire.

Common signs of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

  • You tend to feel you are the victim in life
  • You often let go of your power to others. You opt for this choice to retain peace in relationships.
  • You lack self-confidence, so you tend to hesitate to take actions on your dreams
  • You experience frequent digestive issues, pain in the abdominal area
  • You have commitment issues
  • You cannot stay focused to complete your goals
  • You might have low levels of confidence or an over-inflated ego

How to bring a balance in Manipura Chakra

  • You need to connect the element of Fire. Meditating before a source will help (e.g.: Candle)
  • Have foods that are easy to digest
  • Take in loads of sunshine
  • Wear yellow

Chant the sound vibration “Ram (Rum) ” for a minimum of 5 minutes. Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize this process.

Yoga Asanas for Manipura Chakra

As this Chakra is connected with the inner source of fire, you need to practice asanas that are specific to the core region and create a gentle balance.

  • Boat pose
  • Triangle pose

4. Anahata Chakra

The 4th Chakra is the Anahata or the Heart Chakra or the Spiritual Heart. This chakra is located at the center of the chest, the region above the heart or your thorax. This chakra indicates your qualities of love, openness and your levels of compassion.

The positive aspects of this chakra include empathy, self-awareness and more. A blockage may give rise to negative aspects such as an ongoing sadness or a fear of being abandoned. A balance in this chakra is all about enjoying peace and powerful connections in life!

The heart chakra is associated with love and kindness and is connected to the element of Air.

Common Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra

  • You experience fear of commitment. You display people-pleasing tendencies to receive love.
  • You hold on to grudges.
  • You feel incapable of receiving love, and experience difficulty in connecting with others.
  • You lack compassion towards self
  • You constantly feel a sense or lack of love
  • You experience tightness in your upper back, chest, shoulders. Or, you might experience highly flexible shoulders.

How to bring a balance to Heart Chakra

  • It’s essential to build a strong connection with air. Stepping out into the sunshine and breathing deeply helps.
  • Practice a gentle loving kindness towards self. It could be in the use of words (affirmations) or while expressing love towards others.

Color for visualization: Green

Chant the sound vibration “Yam (Yum)” for a minimum of 5 minutes. Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize the process.

Yoga Asanas for Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the midpoint between the upper and lower chakras. It’s essential to open this blockage to create a gentle loving kindness towards self and build deeper connections with the world. Yoga asanas need to be heart openers to bring balance.

  • Camel Pose or Wheel Pose
  • Cow Face Pose
  • Humble Warrior

5. Vishuddhi Chakra

The fifth Chakra is the Vishuddhi or the Throat Chakra. This chakra is located in the throat region. This chakra represents the qualities of communication, clarity as well as truth. There are many positive aspects of this chakra such as honesty and concentration.

A blocked Throat Chakra leads to the dominance of negative qualities such as the feeling of intolerance or inauthenticity. A balance in this chakra is all about having the ability to display authentic expression with a lot of freedom!

This chakra is related to the element of Space.

Common Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra

  • You experience fear in expressing your opinions
  • You generally tend to approve what others say to maintain peace
  • You experience a pain in the jaw or may grind your teeth in sleep
  • You tend to feel nervous and may talk uncontrollably, you are unaware about stopping the flow of talk
  • You may have a sore throat, or feel a sensation of blockage.

How to bring a balance to the Throat Chakra

  • As the chakra is connected to space, chant mantras.
  • Ensure you drink soothing beverages such as tea or lemon juice
  • Practice Chakra Healing Meditation daily
  • Listen to soothing music

Color for visualization: Bright Blue

Chant the sound vibration “Ham (Hum)” for a minimum of 5 minutes. Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize the process.

Yoga Poses for Throat Chakra

The Yoga asanas need to open up the throat region as well as the front and back sides of the neck.

  • Plow pose
  • Fish pose

6. Ajna Chakra

The 6th chakra is the Ajna or the Third Eye Chakra. This chakra represents the qualities of wisdom, one’s intuition and the powerful focus displayed in life. The location of this chakra is the forehead that lies in between the eyebrows. Imagination, self-awareness and many more are the positive aspects of this chakra.

A blockage in this chakra Indicates the surfacing of negative qualities such as feeling indecisive about things or being irresponsible towards self and others. A balanced Third Eye chakra brings greater clarity in using one’s instinct as well as intellect, intuition, wisdom, and imagination.

Common Signs of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

  • You are unable to find meaning in life. You question yourself, “What is my purpose here?”
  • You experience difficulty in decision-making
  • You tend to feel things are foggy, with lack of clarity
  • You experience lack of inspiration or may witness a highly imaginative mind.

How to bring a balance to the Throat Chakra

  • Be attentive to the internal messages you receive
  • Maintain a dream journal
  • Meditate deeply

Color for visualization: Indigo

Chant the sound vibration “Om (Om)” in a 3-2-1 frequency.

Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize the process.

Yoga Poses for the Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is connected deeply to creating new possibilities in life. You need to practice Yoga asanas that bring a connection between your upper and lower body.

  • Forward Fold
  • Folded Eagle

7. Sahasrara Chakra

The 7th and the final Chakra is the Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra. This chakra is located at the top of the skull area. The positive aspects are many including universal knowledge or a communion with the cosmos. When blocked, this chakra may lead to negative aspects such as isolation from others or the display of superstitious behavior.

A balanced Third Eye Chakra is all about displaying deeper knowledge with a completely blissful state of mind and a deeper connection with self.

This Chakra is connected to one’s state of enlightenment. It reminds you about the role you play in the vast Universe.

Common Signs of a Blocked Crown Chakra

  • You experience loneliness, you feel insignificant in life
  • You tend to feel aimless about things
  • You are unable to view other people’s viewpoints or hold space for them
  • You display attachment to materialistic things
  • You experience difficulty in establishing a spiritual connection
  • You experience headaches and migraines

How to bring a balance to the Crown Chakra

  • Chakra Healing Meditation
  • Participate in volunteering for the community
  • Maintain a gratitude journal

Color for visualization: Purple.

Chant the sound vibration, "Om " for a few minutes.

Next, visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold. Recite “Kundalini Arohanam” as you visualize the process.

Yoga Poses for the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra represents one’s deepest connection with the highest self. You need to practice Yoga asanas that deepen this connection which acts as a reminder of your origins and where you will be headed into the vastness of life. Read more about what is chakra healing?

The Savasana is a posture that will deepen this connect with the eternal self

Frequently Asked Questions - 

1) How do you heal a chakra blockage?

Each chakra corresponds to different energy centres in the body. Healing of each chakra requires certain modifications in thinking, with practice of Yoga asanas. The details for each chakra cleansing are mentioned above.

2) Is it good to open your chakras?

Yes, it is recommended to open the chakras to ease the energy, get it flowing through the body, and bring in mental and physical well-being.

3) What does it feel like when a chakra opens?

It brings in greater clarity of thought, self-awareness, peace, and a balanced view towards self and others.

4) Why do chakras get blocked?

Blockages in the 7 main energy centres or chakras may happen due to various reasons. It can be a result of poor food habits, lack of exercise, overwork, sedentary lifestyle, substance abuse, lack of sleep, and more.

On the psychological front, a chakra may be blocked due to the emotional baggage we carry, not being able to process difficult emotions. A lot of emotional toxics create blockage. These blockages appear in the physical form such as blocked arteries, excess waste, headaches, leg pain, and more. A blockage may also be spiritual. This is because of ignorance to the spiritual side which leads to energy blockage.

Blockage may occur due to karma. It can be neutralized by performing good deeds. A blockage may also happen due to a large sense of the energy in the Universe. It can be due to the solar system and the way planets govern our existence.

5) Where can I go for Chakra Cleansing?

A certified practitioner such as the services offered by Mental Strength Professional led by Coach Dr. Paras is an authentic center for Chakra Cleansing and Chakra balancing treatment. With co-founder Kalpna Joshi at the helm of all healings, the team offers energy healing services that bring in greater mental, spiritual, and emotional stability in people.

Our Energy Healing Professionals are trained to examine your energy points (chakras in body). They identify the blockage in these chakras post an examination process.

Read more about the Chakra Balancing Treatment. You can also click here to book an appointment.

Benefits of Chakra Cleansing:

  • Release blocked energy, remove unhelpful patterns
  • Be confident, grounded with self, and connect better with the body and mind
  • Begin healing hurt, remove fears, and unhelpful thoughts around anxiety, tension, stress, insecurity, and more.
  • Bring an optimistic vibe in the body, a sense of peace in the mind, and harmony in the heart.
  • Manage emotions for your benefit without running away with negative emotions
  • Generate compassion, be lovable, give and receive love, build healthier relationships
  • Express yourself freely, be a good listener, communicator
  • Improve concentration
  • Grow on a spiritual level
Thank you for reading What is Chakra Healing article. Connect with us at Mental Strength Professional for a Chakra balancing treatment. Experience the abundance of life!

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